Sunday, February 23, 2020

Governments and the arts week 9 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Governments and the arts week 9 - Assignment Example The programs were a good avenue for the citizens to be employed through displaying of their artistic skills. The average wage was roughly $75 per work. The Work projects Administration was a noble idea during the Great Depression. A number of writers were contracted by the government to record and document the historical moment. As a matter of fact, the Library Congress has got more than 2,900 articles from the Federal Writers’ Project and WPA. Through this project, 3,789 artists were hired thus reducing unemployment (Adler, 2009), something rare during a depression. The good thing with artists is, they actualize the real event as they happen. Through such projects, it was possible in improving the country’s language because it was the best avenue of sharing the vernacular speech. For instance the narrator of Invisible man used a series of philosophical questions thus providing a range option. The U.S. Government displays the artifacts in museums to make sure the culture is still evident to the current public. For instance, the use of graffiti on cars could not have been familiar in the present world if it was not displayed through art. President Franklin Roosevelt was a political and social star who came up with social programs that were of great benefit to the country’s citizens. While understanding the outrageous effect of racial discrimination at such times, the use of such programs helped in bringing equality since art expressed what each group wanted. In addition, it was a source of employment, which helped reduce the effect of the Great Depression. Adler Jerry. (2009, June). 1934: The Art of New Deal. Smithsonian magazine. Retrieved on 2nd Dec 2014 from:

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